PBISApps Trainers

Meet our trainers.

Alan Cook

Alan Cook currently works within the Educational and Community Supports (ECS) research unit in the College of Education at the University of Oregon, which provides support to over 25,000 educational organizations around the world who are implementing Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS). Additionally, ECS provides access to various web-based applications which allow schools to collect, monitor, and use fidelity and outcome data related to school-wide discipline and behavior support systems.In his current position, Alan works with the training team designing professional development and delivering training opportunities for educators across the world. After graduating from the University of Oregon in 2008, he began his career as an educator in an elementary classroom. Teaching grades K-6 in various classroom settings ranging from direct instruction to Montessori, he has built an extensive background using PBIS in the classroom for classroom behavior management. He is also highly skilled in leading professional development, designing curriculum and instruction, and student/educator engagement. In addition to being an elementary classroom teacher, Alan has worked to mentor teachers just starting out in the field and thoroughly enjoys helping educators find the spark that excites them about their craft. His favorite role is teaching and working with students of all ages, and helping to improve the educational environment for educators and students alike. His areas of interest are professional development, classroom management, special education, equity, inclusion, and online course creation.

Anna Harms, PhD

Dr. Harms is the coordinator of Evaluation and Research within MIBLSI. In her current role Anna leads the design and implementation of internal evaluation for MIBLSI. This includes work on four federally funded grants. She coordinates a team that provides support to local districts and schools around MTSS measurement and evaluation, including research projects on universal screening, data-based decision making, and assessment construction and validation. Anna received her B.A. from Kalamazoo College and her M.A. and Ph.D. in School Psychology from Michigan State University.





Cristy Clouse

Cristy Clouse has 25 years of educational experience as a speech and language therapist, special and general classroom teacher (PreK-8), Behavior Intervention Case Manager (BICM) and middle school administrator. For the last 18 years, she has trained, coached and facilitated implementation of a three-tiered prevention model across California and the Southwest. Cristy also designs school-level and district-level training content from early childhood to high school. At the state level, Cristy is a core team leader of the California PBIS Coalition supporting PBIS State Recognition, Conference Planning and Training/Coaching committees. At the national level, she is a School Information Systems (SWIS) and Individual (I-SWIS) Facilitator Certification trainer since 2010.




Diane LaMaster

Diane comes with an extraordinary amount of experience in behavior support as a special education teacher, behavior interventionist, and district coach. Her passion for data based decision making led her to becoming a National SWIS Facilitator Trainer and a National TIPS Trainer. Diane's knowledge of data and her fluency with SWIS and PBISApps are invaluable to the Midwest PBIS Network and schools in the state of Illinois, as well as nationwide.



Erin Sullivan, PhD

Erin A. Sullivan, PhD is the Social Emotional Learning Coordinator in the Student Services Department at Jeffco Public Schools. She has worked in the field of evidence-based behavior support for 20 years. During this time, she has conducted trainings and provided technical assistance across the three tiers of PBIS in both Illinois and Colorado. She has been a SWIS Facilitator since 2001 and a SWIS Facilitator Trainer since 2009. Erin has her doctorate in Child, Family, and School Psychology from the University of Denver. Erin also has a M.S. Ed. in Curriculum and Instruction and a M.A. in Counseling Psychology.


Ginny Joseph, PhD

Ginny Joseph is Coordinator of PBIS and Mental Health at Orange County Department of Education where she provides training and technical assistance for school teams implementing a multi-tiered framework for behavior supports. She earned her Masters in Special Education and her PhD in School Psychology at the University of Oregon. Ginny is experienced with Multi-tiered Behavioral Frameworks, function-based behavioral support planning, using data for decision-making, and behavioral support planning for small groups of students. She is a PBIS Assessment Coordinator and SWIS Facilitator Trainer. Prior to working at the county office, Ginny worked at the school and district level with PBIS teams. Ginny is passionate about prevention science, social-emotional learning, and providing a safe social climate for students in school settings.

Jennifer Rollenhagen, Ed.S.

Jennifer Rollenhagen is a trained school psychologist who has been working with schools with implementing a Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) for most of her career. Supports to schools include coaching, evaluation, and technical support with the implementation of a three-tiered prevention model. Jennifer has also created school-level and district level-content, and she has trained educational staff on the best practices of MTSS implementation. From 2008 to 2018, Jennifer worked for Michigan's Integrated Behavior and Learning Support Initiative (MIBLSI), and for the past two years, she is working as the MTSS Manager for West Shore ESD, a regional center in Michigan. Currently, Jennifer is supporting nine local districts with their implementation of systems. At the national level, Jennifer is a certified SWIS Suite Facilitator trainer, and she has been training participants from across the country and internationally to become SWIS, CICO-SWIS, and I-SWIS Facilitators.



Kerri Fulton

Kerri Fulton is a SWIS Facilitator and Program Coordinator of PBIS Training and Technical Assistance at the Placer County Office of Education in Northern California.  She and her team enjoy working with schools to install and implement the PBIS framework, which is driven by outcome and fidelity data available through pbisapps.org.





Kimberly Yanek, PhD

Kimberly Yanek, PhD, is the Co-Director of the Center for Social Behavior Support at Old Dominion University. Through her work with the Center for Social Behavior Support, she develops curriculum and instructional materials to provide a continuum of support around multi-tiered frameworks, systems change, capacity building and sustainability, coaching, and classroom behavior support systems to state departments, school divisions, and schools. Before joining the Center for Social Behavior Support, she worked in a similar capacity for the Virginia Department of Education Training and Technical Assistance Centers and served on the VDOE VTSS/PBIS Leadership Team. Her research interests include positive behavioral interventions and supports, positive classroom behavioral supports, function-based thinking, and equity. Her teaching career currently focuses on adult learning and it began in the classroom as a special education teacher.

Luke Anderson

Luke Anderson Ed.S., BCBA is the Senior Director of Prevention Supports and Services for the Placer County Office of Education. Within this role, Luke oversees the Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) and Multi Tied System of Support (MTSS) regional initiatives. Luke’s role also includes supporting the Differentiated Assistance process. Luke is a statewide SWIS and I-SWIS Facilitator Trainer and a member of the California PBIS Coalition Leadership Team. Prior to joining the PCOE team, Luke worked as a special education teacher, behavior analyst, school psychologist, and PBIS Trainer for one of the largest school districts in California.  He has worked as a lecturer in the School Psychology and Special Education programs at CSU, Sacramento where he taught courses on academic and cognitive assessment. In addition to presenting at numerous state and national conferences, Luke has been an invited speaker at the UC Davis Mind Institute's Summer Institute, the Northern California LD Association Conference, the California MTSS Professional Learning Institute, and the PBIS National Leadership Forum.