PBIS Applications: Tools to Help Your Schools Implement PBIS with Fidelity

This webinar provides an overview of each of the data tools available through PBIS Applications: PBIS Assessment, the SWIS Suite, and PBIS Evaluation.


PBIS Applications sponsors the reliable and confidential, web-based applications: the SWIS Suite, PBIS Assessment, and PBIS Evaluation to measure fidelity and outcome data related to the implementation of PBIS.

This webinar will cover the tools and how they facilitate the critical process of implementing with fidelity to reach valuable student outcomes. School and district access will also be covered.

Learning Objectives

Within this webinar session, participants will:

  • Learn about the variety of web-based, valid, reliable and confidential tools to facilitate in the implementation of SWPBIS with fidelity
  • Will understand that implementation with fidelity is essential to obtaining important student outcomes
  • Will understand the value of these tools for schools, districts, regions and state educational organizations of all sizes
  • Will have the opportunity to discuss the various tools and how they might apply to the participant's current setting

Target Audience

Anyone wanting to learn more about the applications offered through PBIS Apps.

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