Feedback and Input Survey (FIS)
The Feedback and Input Survey (FIS) Suite is a set of four surveys for school teams to learn about how students, school personnel, and family members are experiencing the school’s behavior support systems and obtain detailed feedback for increasing the effectiveness, efficiency, equity, and sustainability of those systems. It is the newest tool added to PBIS Assessment.
The Feedback and Input Survey (FIS) Suite is a set of four surveys for school teams to learn about how students, school personnel, and family members are experiencing the school’s behavior support systems and obtain detailed feedback for increasing the effectiveness, efficiency, equity, and sustainability of those systems.
The four surveys include:
- Feedback and Input Survey: Elementary
- Feedback and Input Survey: Secondary
- Feedback and Input Survey: School Personnel
- Feedback and Input Survey: Family
School teams can use each survey separately or in combination to increase voice and choice in how Tier 1 behavior support systems can make schools more welcoming, inclusive, and safe for each group. They were designed to aid teams in increasing faculty, student, and family involvement, as measured by the SWPBIS Tiered Fidelity Inventory (items 1.10 and 1.11).
Learning Objectives
Upon completion of this webinar, participants will be able to:
Locate and differentiate between the different surveys
Interpret survey results
Access the comments report
Access notification forms, scripts, and invitation letters
Use and for additional tools and resources for support
Target Audience
PBIS Assessment Coordinators and Users